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News: RSCC celebrates First Generation College Student Day with photo and essay contests

A college graduate with a First Generation stole.

October 7, 2024

Roane State will celebrate National First Generation College Student Day on November 8, 2024, with photo and essay contests held in the days leading up to the event.

The annual "I'm First" essay contest will be held October 10-29, 2024. To gain access to the submission portal through Momentum, interested students should email Student Engagement Coordinator Jennifer Fugate with their name, RSCC email, and R number no later than 11:59 p.m. ET on October 9.

In the essay, students are encouraged to speak about their own experiences as the first in their family to attend college. Essays should be 500-750 words and should explain what being a First Generation college student means to them. The winner will be announced on First Generation College Student Day, November 8, and will recieve a new laptop.

To make sure that students have the strongest essay possible, a Momentum course shell has been set up for drafts (First Generation College Student Essay Contest), and these will be reviewed by our Learning Center tutors. Students wishing to have their drafts reviewed should send it to the drop box by October 16. Final drafts will be due by 11:59 p.m. ET on October 25.

Essay contest questions can be sent via email to Jennifer Fugate. Entries will be judged by a volunteer panel of Roane State faculty members. The winning entry from 2023 is available to read here.

The First Generation photo contest will begin in late October. Participating students can pick up a special First Generation Celebration pin on campus by November 4 and submit a photo of themselves wearing the pin by November 8 to be entered into a prize drawing.

Pins can be picked up on the Roane County Campus at the One Stop or the Dual Studies offices. At the Oak Ridge Campus, pins will be available in the Advising Resource Center (ARC). Pins will also be available at the front desk of all campus locations.

First Generation photo contest submissions (jpg or png format) should be emailed to by 1 p.m. ET on November 8. Please include your first and last name, R number, and best email/phone number with your submission.

Photo contest winners will be selected at random and announced via @RoaneState social media. All entries will be included as part
of a social media post to celebrate Roane State’s First Generation College Student Day.

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